Are you confused even Autel Maxisys ELITE only reads Maserati Levante up to 2018 for an unknown reason, then what is the good Maserati Levante 2019 OBD Scan tool?
Whether it’s Autel Maxisys ELITE or Autel MaxiCOM MK908P Pro, if you use them to diagnose cars Maserati Levante 2019. The reason you can’t clear anything is because it has a security gateway module. Update won’t fix anything…You need a bypass plug for the SGW in order to do stuff.
There are a number of FCA models Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, Jeep, and Fiat … You can register your scan tool with a app and it allows you to bypass the SGW without any issues…Maserati isn’t covered and you’ll need a FCA 12+8 connector..It is nothing special…Just a silly little bypass plug.
PS: it is FCA 12+8 connector…You are not looking for a SGW…You are looking to bypass it.
You will get two extension cables and the bypass. With the extensions I can connect/disconnect the bypass without removing the panel.
How to use FCA 12+8 connector?
The SGW module is above the scuttle panel near the steering column…You must remove the panel…Insert bypass plug and then perform your work…Then plug module back in
One more question: using an Autel IM608 to reset routine service via OBD, Do i need to bypass SGW?
Yes, you can read stuff, but can write stuff with the SGW in place.
Hope it helps!