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1 Token for VVDI MB BGA Tool and Key Tool Plus Password Calculation

Art.-Nr.XNR-SS240 Auf Lager. Geschichte 10 verkauft.

Neueste Preis: 18.00
Sofort Kaufen: 15.99 11% off
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Kostenloser Versand Express VersandserviceLieferzeiten: DHL:5-7 Arbeitstage. Yanwen: 7-12 Arbeitstage. See details »
Erstattung: innerhalb 30 Tagen. Der Kunde vertr?gt Versandkosten Read details ?


Tokens are needed when calculating a Key Password (Internet connection required). Tokens typically cost $35 each time, but if you happen to own a Condor XC Mini key machine, XHorse will give you up to one free token each day. All other online calculations are free and do not require the use of a token.
1 Token for VVDI MB BGA Tool/ Key Tool Plus Password Calculation

No real shipping
After payment, pls offer us your SERIAL NUMBER of VVDI MB BAG Tool or VVDI Key Tool Plus. If your VVDI binded to condor, pls note us.

We will add the tokens to your machine within 1 day.
1. Overview
Password calculation can get key password through EIS and working key (online)
CAN protocol EIS all support password calculation
Support BGA keys and other NEC keys
Support calculate password for NEC v51, v57 keys. No soldering, safe method.
Data acquisition time depends on the key version. It needs about 3.5 - 13 minutes
BGA version need about 5 minutes, some versions only need 3.5 minutes
Calculate time in server: 30 seconds – 1 minute

You can check how many tokens here:

2.Support Type
W164 2009-
W166, 197, 212, 218, 246
W169, 209, 211
W172, 204, 207
W639 2009-
3. Functions
Mode: OBD and IR adaptor, mode use for communicate with EIS
Chassis: Select chassis number, you can detect it with auto detect in EIS Tools
Data Acquisition:
Press“Data Acquisition”, It Will Continue with Following Steps Automatically
1) Insert working key to ignition, waiting 15 seconds
2) Insert working key to device IR reader, verify key and car
3) Data acquisition
4) Insert working key to ignition, waiting 30 seconds
5) Insert working key to device IR reader, wait end...
6) Save acquisition data
Upload Data: Upload saved acquisition data to server for calculate password.
Attention:Once success calculate password for one SSID, the server will not accept calculate the acquisition data with same SSID in 2 hours. After 2 hours, acquisition data with same SSID upload to server will start with a new task
Query Result: Query server calculation result. The password will fill in key password area automatically after success calculation. Use “Copy” copy password to clipboard
Auto Reflash: Program will auto re-flash server result until there’s no task for this device.You can start data acquisition once more while auto reflash starting
Stop acquisite after success: If you are run data acquisition while auto reflash running,program will stop the acquisition progress when find correct password
4. About Query Result Status
Query result support query calculation result in 24 hours, others don’t support Query result will display Time, SSID, Status, Filename (name when upload to server)
Status Has the Following Types:
1) Queuing: number x, require about y minutes, means your task need y minutes
2) Processing: requires 1 minutes, means your task need 1 minute to finish
3) Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Free), means success find password, “Free” show this task is calculated for free or this task already success calculated before
4) Discard: Once you success calculate the password, in 2 hours, the upload acquisition data with same SSID will discard
5) Already upload: means the server already have this file in queuing
6) Pay for password calculation before upload: means your device doesn’t have authorize for calculation. Contact your dealer and pay for password calculation
7) Failed: means this task failed to get password, you can run data acquisition again.Failed task is always free

original tools

About Delivery

EU Warehouse Shipping: 3-5 working days. We have stocked up hot sale items in EU(Czech) Warehouse ,which is more convenient for you. Free TAX, faster shipping with cheaper price. 

Yanwen Express:  9-14 working days ,we will prepay the tax,then do not need customers to pay tax for most european counties
( We will send by Yanwen Express by default because of EU high Customs tax. If Customers need the faster DHL shipping method and willing to pay the high tax .Pleasee leave message to us in time after placing the order)

DHL Shipping: 3-5 working days, To help you clearance we will help declare a lower price on the invoice. If address is remote area, customer need pay remote freight or we will ship by Normal Post or Yanwen Express.

1.All of the items will be shipped to PAYPAL Shipping Address,please confirm your address on PAYPAL before you buy.
2.Your order will be usually shipped out the same or next business days once the payment is made, except on weekends and holidays.

Contact information:

Email: Sales@DiagOBD2.de
Skype: diagtool.de
Mobile:+86 15223201143
WhatsApp: +86 15223201143

Handy Version: Bitte scannen das Bild, koennen Sie per Handy Kaufen!!!

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