BMW GT1 DIS V57 SSS V34 tech Support
BMW GT1 has two versions,one is DIS V57 SSS V34 for IBM T30,the other one is DIS V57 SSS V37 for all the computer.
1 BMW GT1 version
BMW GT1 has two versions,one is DIS V57 SSS V34 for IBM T30,the other one is DIS V57 SSS V37 for all the computer.
2 BMW GT1 vehicle coverage
BMW gt1 is designed for diagnosing and programming BMW Series before 2005 year, if BMW Series vechicles after 2005 year have no optical fiber, BMW GT1 can do them. If not, BMW ops will make up, BMW OPS do coding and programming for BMW cars with optical fiber after 2005 years till 2009 years.
3 BMW GT1 language
DIS system: English,Chinese and Korea
SSS system:English,Chinese,Japanese,Korea, Thai,Spanish,Italian,Dutch,Greece,Swedish,Indonesian,Turkish,Portuguese,French and Russian.
4 BMW GT1 vehicle year
BMW Series before 2005 year:diagnosing and programming is ok
BMW Series vechicles after 2005 year :
have no optical fiber: BMW GT1 can do them
have optical fiber: BMW ops will make up, BMW OPS do coding and programming for BMW cars with optical fiber after 2005 years till 2009 years.
5 BMW GT1 VMware software install
BMW GT1 with moveable hard disk we supplied run and play in VM Player. How to run VM Player, there are VM Player folder in the moveable hard disk for you run. Check “How to install the VMware software “in the " Related Download Files"
6 BMW GT1 turn off
A : turn off GT-I:
The way of turn off GT-1 is
1: click the "Ctrl+Alt+F12".
2: please input "shut",
3: then click "enter",
4: at last shut down the computer.
B : turn off SSS:
The way of turn off "SSS" is:
1: click the "Administration",
2: click the "setting",
3: click the "Useable",
4: click the "operating status",
5: at last click the "switch off"
Be sure to setup and run the device software under windows XP. Otherwise the device software and program can be broken or it will fail to work.
Any questions,please feel free contact our customer service via following ways: